A Banana-Free Protein Smoothie!

I know I’m in the minority, but I hate bananas… and they’re everywhere. In cookies! Muffins! Smoothies! After races! I can’t escape them. I know they’re good for me and believe me, I’ve tried to like them. But I just can’t do it. My mom jokes that she must have fed me too many when I was little, and that’s why I don’t like them anymore. I’ll take her word for it and accept the reasoning, since I have no recollection of ever enjoying a banana. Just the thought of them puts a bad taste in my mouth!

I should also note I took to Twitter to ask whether or not you liked bananas and the responses were hilarious. Below are two of my favorites. And yes, the two favorites are proponents of bananas – go figure!


But enough about bananas – this post is about how you can make a delicious protein-rich smoothie without them! When searching for smoothie recipes, I’ve found most of them include a banana – usually frozen – added for texture. I was never really sure what to use to replace the banana, so instead of trying I completely skipped attempting to make smoothies at home. I remember trying to make a “green monster” a few years ago with frozen spinach and a crappy blender, and it was gross. I begrudgingly gulped it down, spinach mush and all, because I thought I was supposed to like it. I’ve since come to my senses and no longer try to like things just because they’re “cool.”

I like to think that I maintain a mostly well balanced diet, but I know there is always room for improvement. And since marathon training is about to start, I know that my diet is even more important; I need to make sure I’m getting enough calories from the right kinds of foods. That isn’t to say I’m going to stop ordering a side of waffle fries with my breakfast egg skillet that includes potatoes at the diner after a long run (yes, I did that on Sunday), but I need to make sure that aside from those moments of pure gluttony, I’m maintaining a well balanced diet. If there’s anything I’m learning as I get more and more into running – which is an entire post for another day – is that that there is more to it than just running.

Since I want to maximize my nutrition, when I realized I had a big bag of spinach in my fridge, I started to think about how I could use it in a smoothie. Like I said, the first (and only) time I made a smoothie using greens resulted in something I could barely drink. After a few minutes of looking through my pantry, I decided I’d throw a few things in the blender and hope for the best. Thankfully, it turned out really well! It’s funny how limited I felt by not liking bananas when it came to smoothies, when the reality is that there are endless possibilities. I’m looking forward to trying different combinations!

Vanilla Peanut Butter Spinach Smoothie | FoodosaurusRex.com


Vanilla Peanut Butter Spinach Smoothie
– makes one smoothie –

12 oz. Vanilla flavored non-dairy milk (I used coconut-almond)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I used Plant Fusion vanilla bean)
1 Tbsp Peanut Butter (I used Earth Balance’s coconut peanut butter)
2 handfuls fresh spinach leaves

1. Combine all ingredients in a blender
2. Blend until smooth
*feel free to add some ice cubes to the blender, or just drop them into the smoothie once it’s all blended together

Tell me…
Do you like bananas? 
Have a favorite (banana-free) smoothie recipe you’d like to share?

11 thoughts on “A Banana-Free Protein Smoothie!

  1. This sounds yummy. I like bananas, but don’t always have them at home, so I will give this a shot next time. If you start drinking a lot of smoothies, especially with greens in them, I HIGHLY recommend splurging for a Vitamix! It is a smoothie game changer.


    1. I really should just toss my crappy blender and two-piece Ninja (that’s OK but not great) and get a Vitamix!


  2. You don’t even like banana bread??! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. Anyway, Plant Fusion Vanilla is my favorite protein powder of all time and I use it in my smoothies every day. SO GOOD.


  3. Finally someone else who hates bananas like me!! I can’t stand the damn things, despite how good everyone says they are, especially pre and post run haha. I usually skip all smoothie posts because I know they’ll have a banana in them, and I can’t do it. Definitely checking this one out!


  4. I am not a banana fan at all. I have found a couple smoothies that include them but mask the flavor enough I don’t notice. I want to like them. I’ve tried really hard to like them. But the idea of eating one right now is making me gag. GROSS. 🙂


  5. Funny, I made this same smoothy this morning but WITH the banana 🙂 it was delicious and kept me full for hours (that’s hard to do!)


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