Friday Favorites

It’s been awhile since I had a Friday Favorites post and I’m sure you all missed them terribly.




The Wild Pea Curry Hummous

Every so often I make the glorious trip to Whole Foods to get my grocery shopping done. Last time I was there, they were offering hummus samples in the refrigerated section and even though I don’t usually try samples, I decided to have some. The brand, Wild Pea, offers not your average flavor combinations; I tried a little of their Asian Fire hummus, as well as their Curry hummus. While they were both delicious, I was really drawn to the curry hummus – I immediately started thinking of all the things I could make with it! So naturally I ran right over to the case and grabbed a container.


So far I’ve had the hummus with chips, and also as a sandwich spread. I definitely have plans to use it with chickpeas for some curried “tuna” and also as a salad dressing. While I was enjoying some the other day, I realized I could easily make this hummus flavor myself… I’m going to have to give it a try!


TriggerPoint Therapy Ball

I actually bought the TP Ball when I was dealing with IT Band issues because my foam roller wasn’t cutting it. While I still use it for my hips every once in awhile, my main focus recently has been my calves and feet.

Trigger Point Therapy Ball

Since it’s small, I can easily throw it in my bag when I’m traveling, and I don’t have to worry about lugging around a foam roller and getting weird looks. It’s slightly softer than a golf ball and about the size of a lacrosse ball, so it’s perfect for any spot on your legs, the bottoms of your feet, even some spots on your butt and lower back.


LUSH Massage Bar

I remember nearly running past the LUSH cosmetics counter at Macy’s in the mall when I was younger to try and avoid the perfume spritz and random questions from the different counters. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I actually took the time to learn a little bit about LUSH cosmetics, and I was immediately drawn to their massage bars. A bar that has little bumps on it to help you work out sore muscles? Yes please.


The first time I used the bar, though, I mistook it for soap and used it in the shower. I quickly realized it isn’t actually soap, and used it properly the next time! It’s perfect after a long run or a race, and since you don’t use it in the shower, it lasts a lot longer than a traditional bar of soap would. I should probably stock up on these for marathon training!


Keds for Kate Spade Sneakers

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was a Keds kid growing up. I can’t even begin to tell you how many pairs of Keds I had… and in so many colors! I saw Kate Spade Keds last summer, but held off on buying a pair since the only sneakers I buy nowadays are for running. When they came back out this year, though, I couldn’t help but buy a pair. And I’m obsessed.


I couldn’t remember if I thought Keds were comfortable when I was younger, but I honestly assumed they weren’t. I’ve gotten picky about my shoe choices and comfort levels as I’ve gotten more and more into running, so I figured these weren’t going to be much better than a pair of flats or flip-flops (AKA not good for your feet). Turns out I was wrong – these are super comfortable! I get compliments every time I wear them and they ever-so-slightly make me feel like a kid again


Pave Crisscross Ring

I first spotted the pave crisscross ring on a friend Instagram’s account, and immediately fell in love. Of course I took to the Internet to try and find it, and found just what I was looking for. There was only one problem – it was $850! That was a major bummer, but I soldiered on intent on finding a similar (cheaper) ring. It actually took me a few days of Googling and Pinteresting to find what I was looking for, which was kind of surprising. But when I get something in my head and I want it, I search for it feverishly until I find it. I nearly jumped up and down when I found this ring at Lord & Taylor for two reasons: it was exactly what I was looking for AND it was on sale!

PicMonkey Collage

I’ve only worn it a few times so far, but I’m completely obsessed. The picture from the website doesn’t do it justice as it’s much thinner and “real gold” looking in person. It’s definitely going to be a staple ring for me as it can easily be dressed up or down.

So there you have it! Just a few of my current favorite things.

Tell me…
Do you have any current favorites? 
Have you tried/do you have any of the above? Thoughts?

6 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. That massage ball looks heavenly. My lower legs have been sore after runs and I need something like that, especially for travel!
    The curry hummus looks SO good. I’m a huge fan of hummus.


  2. Oh, you had me at Keds… Everyone in my middle school had the white leather Keds. The Kate Spade ones are way cuter, though.

    The only thing I’m really into currently is this organic Greek yogurt trail mix sold at Target (I know, Target, but it’s really good). I can eat an entire bag easily in one day.

    Love that ring!


  3. Um those rings are amazing. Won’t we be near the Whole Foods in Princeton next week? In my mind I think we are but who knows.

    I agree and have gotten super picky with my shoes. I wear rainbow flip flops which are so comfortable. I used to have a pair of dr. scholls but my feet are huge now and don’t fit in the,….by huge I mean one full size bigger.


  4. I want that Lush massage bar! That’s awesome. I also want the ring but they only have one size, and it isn’t mine. GREAT FIND though! And I have no money right now but when I do, I have to have the gray and green striped Keds.


  5. Goodness, super cute finds in the shoes and ring categories! I have become crazy about the shoes I wear these days after getting PF in my left foot last summer from marathon training and poor shoe choices outside of said training. I love Keds, though, and the color scheme/pattern of those is great! Need to check them out…and send that ring to my boy. It would be an incredibly appropriate “You’re the bestest for not hating me while I ditch you for 7 months to go the state police academy” don’t you think 😉 ? I’ll have to look into that ball, too. Tennis balls aren’t cutting it for my legs anymore!


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